10 July 2017

Chicken & Mango dressing

Summer is mango season and this dish is fresh and tasty, making it a nice match for the current season.

Chicken is the perfect restorative food for the brain and nervous system, as it contains Vitamin B as well protein. Mangoes are a good source of betacarotene with protective antioxidants and Vitamin A.

I found this recipe in a old book but I made some changes according to my diet and I found it super tasty. The mango dressing is an explosion of different flavours that combine really well together and combined with chicken creates the perfect fusion.


  • 1 medium mango 
  • 2 sticks of celery 
  • 2 limes juiced
  • 4 large spring onions or half cup of the green part of leek 
  • 1 large bunch of coriander or parsley (at your taste) 
  • 2 Tbsp of olive oil 
  • Chicken breasts to roast (or you can use the leftovers of a roasted chicken) 
  • Lettuce
  • 1 cucumber 
  • 1 cup of red cabbage sliced 
Let's do it:

  • If you don't have any leftovers of roasted chicken , you can start by preparing the chicken. Pre-heat the oven to 180-200 C
  • In a oven dish place the chicken breasts and season them with salt and fresh thyme. Sprinkle some olive oil on the top and do some cuts along the breast to make it easier to roast without getting dry
  • Place it in the oven for 30 minutes 
  • To prepare the dressing, put the mango, celery, lime juice, spring onions (or leek) into a food processor. Process it in medium speed
  • Add the olive oil and the coriander (or parsley) and process it in medium speed until the parsley or coriander are chopped. You don't want highly chopped, you want it mixed and well combined but with visible leafs. 
In a plate arrange the lettuce leaves, the cucumber diced and the red cabbage sliced. Pile the chicken on the top and pour the dressing. Garnish with some sliced almonds or pine nuts if you want.

Quantity: The dressing serves 2 to 4 (depending of the amount of chicken that you have available)
Time of preparation: 40 minutes (30 minutes of roasting the chicken and the time of preparing the plates. I made the dressing while the chicken was in the oven)

I discovered Courtney Barnett in the beginning of 2016 and I was so lucky that I was able to watch her concert in Portugal last summer. 
If there is something that I love in Portugal is our music festivals. Bring it on summer...

Courtney Barnett is from Australia and as I already wrote in one of my previous posts, Australia is awesome in terms of music. Just name it, they have it...grunge, punk rock, indie rock. 

If you like punk rock and Indie music you should listen this girl. Although if your ears are too sensitive and too much into classical and boring music....don't listen, you will feel too much energy in your body and can cause side effects as dancing and jumping :) 

Seize the day people :)