28 August 2017

Raw salad

In those days that I don't have any inspiration in the kitchen and I don't really feel like transforming the kitchen in a kitchen lab, I tend to do all the time salads and since I bought a spiralizer I like to do raw salads with zucchini and beetroot especially...I just like the shape that you can give veggies I guess :)

I can do a nice looking salad, only with raw ingredients and make it super tasty and fulfilling. We are addicted to these type of salads and the good thing is that they are super easy to do. 

For this salad you will need a spiralizer for the zucchini and beetroot.

  • 1 zucchini 
  • 1 beetroot 
  • 1 capsicum (orange or yellow) 
  • 1 green apple 
  • alfafa sprouts 
  • pine nuts
  • feta cheese 
  • pesto 
  • 1 Tbsp coconut oil 
Let's do it:
  • with a spiralizer transform the vegetables in the shape that you prefer ( I like to transform the zucchini in spaghetti and the beetroot in a spiral shape) 
  • cut the capsicum and the green apple in small pieces 
  • in a wok (or frying pan), pour the coconut oil and when warm enough, stir in the zucchini noodles for few minutes, until they become a bit soft 
  • In a bowl add the zucchini noodles with the raw beetroot, add the capsicum and apple. Spread with some alfafa sprouts, feta cheese and pine nuts. Serve with a Tbsp of pesto or any favourite salsa.
*Note* - You can opt to not cook the zucchini if you prefer a full raw salad

Time of preparation: 15 minutes 
Quantity: The list of ingredients is enough for 2 people

Recently while listening Radar, a awesome Portuguese radio station, they were playing Pizzicato Five and it was like if I was traveling to the past. I used to listen so much this band in the 90's and today I decided to share it with you. 
Pizzicato Five is a Japanese pop band and their music is so energetic and happy that you should give a go and allow your body to dance :) 

I love them...