29 January 2017

Layered smoothie of mango&blueberries

This past weekend was really good fun, we had a easy and chilled Friday at home finishing the day with a sunset skateboarding and walking around with friends, while on Saturday we spent the full afternoon kitesurfing until the sun was almost gone...life is great :)

Today I decided to spend the morning in the kitchen and instead of going to the yoga studio I decided instead to do yoga at home. I am starting to love more and more my own home practice, my space, the silence and the sounds of my bubble.

After holidays and keen to be back on the track, I started the day preparing some snacks to have them in the fridge and among other things I prepared some layered smoothies of mango and blueberries...they are yummy!!

They are really easy to do and the recipe doesn't differ a lot from the ones that I originally do. However these ones makes a even more colourful breakfast :)

  • 1 medium to large avocado 
  • 1 can of organic coconut milk 
  • 1/2 mango
  • 1 cup of blueberries (I used organic frozen ones) 
Let's do it:
  • Cut the avocado in half 
  • In a blender pour half of the avocado, the half mango and half of the coconut milk and blend it for 30 seconds until smooth
  • Pour the mix into individual glass jars and put them in the fridge while preparing the other layer. Is optional to put some chia seeds but if you choose to add them just pour 1Tbsp in each jar and mix well with a spoon without spreading the smoothie around the sides of the jar to allow the other layer to seat perfectly. This layer needs to be 10 minutes in the fridge before receiving the next layer on the top
  • Is important to rinse the blender cup to make the second layer
  • For the blueberry layer just had the remaining half of the avocado, the rest of the coconut milk and 1 cup of frozen blueberries. Blend for 1 minute as the frozen blueberries needs more time in the blender
  • After 10 minutes of the mango smoothies being in the fridge, you can remove them and gently pour the blueberry layer on the top. I advise you to use a spoon to this step.
  • Put them again in the fridge and in few hours they will be ready to eat. They get better if they stay at least 4h in the fridge before consuming
  • Then just add some berries and laminated coconut or almonds on the top and is ready to go

Time of preparation:  15 minutes to prepare 

Quantity: Depends of the size of avocado and mango off course but for me it usually gives me 4 glass jars as the one from the pictures

And because today is the beginning of the week, at least in here, I leave you The Cinematic Orchestra with Patrick Watson. 
The Cinematic Orchestra is a british jazz, electronic music group, that when playing live or in studio they have always a band that improvises along. Among few albums I totally recommend "Ma Fleur" and "Man with a movie camera".
The album "Ma Fleur" has Patrick Watson in the vocals and you can find this song "How to build a home" that is one of my favourites.
I found this song super relaxing, emotive and it helps me to stop and breath all the good things in life. I have it also in one of my Yoga playlists.
Have a great week! 

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