11 April 2017

Flaxseed & almond bread

Since I started this diet/lifestyle, bread has been the hardest thing to find replacement. At least I wasn't able to make fluffy loafs of bread, as the ones that we buy in the bakery.

I still find hard to achieve the perfect consistency when baking with coconut, almond flour or even with flaxseed. I tried dozen of recipes until decided to change how to mix the ingredients, and I have to say that finally my bread came out pretty well.
It was a success here at home.

It even looks like a real loaf, right?? I am proud of it :-)


  • 1+3/4 cup of flaxseed (milled) 
  • 1/4 cup of almond flour
  • 1 tsp on cinnamon
  • 1 tsp of stevia (optional)
  • 1 tsp of baking powder
  • 2 whole eggs
  • 5 egg whites
  • 5 Tbsp of coconut oil
Let's do it:
  • Grease a loaf pan and set the oven to 175 C
  • In a bowl mix all the dry ingredients removing all the lumps
  • In another bowl whisk the 2 whole eggs with the coconut oil
  • Mix the wet ingredients in the dry ones 
  • Let it settle and meanwhile whisk the 5 eggs whites until stiff peak
  • Pour the egg whites in the mixture and with a spoon  until you get an homogeneous 
  • Bake it for 35 minutes or until you insert a toothpick and it comes out clean

Time of preparation: 45 minutes (10 minutes preparing+35 minutes baking)

For today I leave you Flight Facilities, that I know since few years but only now I discovered that they are from Australia...I am still surprised with the good rock&roll and electronic music that Australia has to offer. 
I especially like this song as it fits perfectly in my vinyasa soundtrack :) 

Hope you enjoy it!! 
Enjoy the day and what it brings to you :) 

5 April 2017

Mango chia pudding

The summer is back to Oman and although I don't really love this crazy heat, I love the wind that comes with the monsoon on the south of Oman allowing us to enjoy every weekend kiting :)

With the summer we need to improve our daily hydration and I tend to suffer a bit with dehydration, although I drink a lot of water during the day, all the water that we drink here comes from desalination water plants so doesn't have most of the nutrients that our body needs to fight dehydration. So I try to include in my diet, especially during the summer coconut water as it is super rich in nutrients as potassium, sodium, magnesium, manganese, calcium, vitamin C and is poor in carbohydrates so is perfect for us.

The good thing of coconut water, is that you can add it to your favourite smoothie, fresh juice and even to chia pudding, that is my new addiction.


  • 1 cup of coconut water
  • 1/2 avocado 
  • 1/2 mango 
  • 2 Tbsp of chia seeds 
Let's do it:
  • Blend all the ingredients together (beside the chia seeds)
  • Pour the mix to a glass jar and add the chia seeds and mix well with a spoon 
  • Close the glass jar with a lead and place it overnight in the fridge
  • On the next morning I added coconut chips and berries. 

We all take from granted things as having mineral water in our taps, bottled water in the supermarket. Sometimes we should stop and think that our reality is not the reality in a lot of places in the world. I came from a country where the simple water that comes from the tap presents an amazing quality. Then I moved to a country where I can't drink tap water, or is not advisable, and where the water is not mineral coming from desalination plants, lacking all the minerals that makes the water a good and nourishing drink.
At the same time I came across in Oman, with people from really poor countries where they didn't had any potable water in their own countries and where the price of a bottle of water is so overpriced that they avoid drinking water.

Life is a matter of perspective but is important, once in a while, to get out from our own perspective.

I know that we are far far far away from Christmas but today I am in the mood to listen Ryuichi Sakamoto.
He's a japanese musician, composer and some of his albums he worked with famous artist as David Byrne, Arto Lindsay and even Iggy Pop.

Enjoy the life that has been given to you...is so important to recognise that a life has been given to us and that every second is a blessing and that we should be grateful for every breath, for every drop of rain and sunlight, for every smile and tear.
Is so important to practice mindfulness in a daily basis and share this with others.