11 April 2017

Flaxseed & almond bread

Since I started this diet/lifestyle, bread has been the hardest thing to find replacement. At least I wasn't able to make fluffy loafs of bread, as the ones that we buy in the bakery.

I still find hard to achieve the perfect consistency when baking with coconut, almond flour or even with flaxseed. I tried dozen of recipes until decided to change how to mix the ingredients, and I have to say that finally my bread came out pretty well.
It was a success here at home.

It even looks like a real loaf, right?? I am proud of it :-)


  • 1+3/4 cup of flaxseed (milled) 
  • 1/4 cup of almond flour
  • 1 tsp on cinnamon
  • 1 tsp of stevia (optional)
  • 1 tsp of baking powder
  • 2 whole eggs
  • 5 egg whites
  • 5 Tbsp of coconut oil
Let's do it:
  • Grease a loaf pan and set the oven to 175 C
  • In a bowl mix all the dry ingredients removing all the lumps
  • In another bowl whisk the 2 whole eggs with the coconut oil
  • Mix the wet ingredients in the dry ones 
  • Let it settle and meanwhile whisk the 5 eggs whites until stiff peak
  • Pour the egg whites in the mixture and with a spoon  until you get an homogeneous 
  • Bake it for 35 minutes or until you insert a toothpick and it comes out clean

Time of preparation: 45 minutes (10 minutes preparing+35 minutes baking)

For today I leave you Flight Facilities, that I know since few years but only now I discovered that they are from Australia...I am still surprised with the good rock&roll and electronic music that Australia has to offer. 
I especially like this song as it fits perfectly in my vinyasa soundtrack :) 

Hope you enjoy it!! 
Enjoy the day and what it brings to you :) 

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