14 March 2017

Berry chia pudding

Since I arrived from holidays I am trying to do some HIIT every day, beside my daily yoga practice and some days I just don't find any motivation to the HIIT...even if it 15-20 minutes is just hard and sometimes my head is in yoga...sorry I can't help it.
However if there is something that I am enjoying even more, it's my breakfast after these sessions.

Recently a friend asked me to post some chia puddings and I never thought about it, and actually I tend to do them once in a while for breakfast or as a afternoon snack...they are so yummy!


For the chia pudding:
  • 150 g of raspberries 
  • 4 Tbsp of chia seeds (I used the white ones)
  • 3 Tbsp of shredded coconut
  • 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract (optional)
  • 1 cup of almond milk 
For the topping:
  • fruit of your choice (I chose mango)
  • blueberries
  • laminated almond or coconut
  • mint leafs
Let's do it: 
  • In a deep bowl you start by smashing the berries with a fork 
  • After smashing the berries you can add, the shredded coconut, the chia seeds and the vanilla extract and mix well with a spoon
  • Add the cup of almond milk and mix well until you get a homogenous mixture 
  • Pour the mixture in 2 small glass jar and don't forget to close them with the lead. After you can place them in the fridge overnight 

I topped the chia pudding with mint but I also add some smashed mango, coconut chips and poppy seeds and blueberries as I am working in adding a good amount of anti-oxydants especially in my breakfast.

I hope you try this one and have fun adding different things on your topping, you can even add shredded dark chocolate :) 

Today I leave you with Angus & Julia Stone that is a folk indie pop band from Australia formed by sister and brother. I came across with this band in 2007 when I was living in Azores and for really long time their first album was all the time playing in my car and iPod. 
I hope you like it.

Happy day to all of you! 

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