29 March 2017

Egg muffins

I have reached to the conclusion that I like muffins in any way, sweet, sour, bread muffins...we just need to have ideas to make the muffin's tin work :)

I do love these egg muffins as they are easy to do and you can have them as breakfast, lunch or simply as a snack. They are perfect for lunch boxes with a salad on the side.

  • 6 eggs
  • Half of red capsicum 
  • Half of orange capsicum 
  • 1/4 cup of spring onions
  • Coriander 
  • Feta Cheese
  • Black pepper
Let's do it:
  • In a food processor add the capsicum, spring onions, coriander and pulse it for few seconds until the mixture gets into small pieces but not in powder
  • In a bowl whisk the eggs and add some black pepper
  • Add the capsicum mixture to the eggs 
  • Pour the mixture into the muffin's tin (no need to grease it)
  • On the top add few pieces of feta cheese to each muffin 
  • Bake for 20-25 minutes until egg is cooked 
*Note*: Bake them in the middle of the oven to keep the moisture of the eggs, and to prevent them of burning the bottom. 

Quantity: 9 egg muffins 
Time of Preparation: 30 minutes (5 minutes preparing + 25 minutes baking)

I have been super chilled since my Hatha Yoga teacher training, and even my music tend to be more chilled, although I still need quality and rhythm in every song that I listen :) 
Today I leave you some Sigur Ros, just allow yourself to go with the flow. 

Enjoy every day, as tomorrow is a new day and today's already gone!! 

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