7 December 2016

Smoothie with dragon fruit

Christmas is almost here and I don't feel the spirit as in Middle East they don't celebrate and is sunny and warm outside. This Christmas I am going home, is gonna be lovely.

Sometimes is funny how we take everything for granted, friends, family, our love, freedom, peace and is important to be aware that in life nothing is granted, not even the next minute.

I never thought that I would spend Christmas away from my family and it already happened. It wasn't bad, it was actually funny and different to go on the beach on the 25th December :) but I miss that cold Christmas in front of the fire and this year I am looking forward to be with my family at home.

I will try to prepare some low carb high fat recipes for Christmas, especially desserts as it is were we usually disgrace ourselves in these festivities.

Meanwhile I leave you today a breakfast suggestion made with my almond milk recipe http://mymindfulbliss.blogspot.com/2016/11/almond-milk.html

You have to prepare this recipe in the night before allowing the chia seeds to swallow creating a texture similar to a pudding.

  • 1 cup of home made almond milk 
  • 1/2 of mango 
  • 2 Tbsp of chia seeds
  • Dragon fruit
Let's do it:
  • Blend the almond milk and the mango
  • Pour the mixture to a jar and add the 2 Tbsp of chia seeds
  • Put the jar in the fridge overnight 
  • In the morning pour the jar to a bowl and serve with shredded coconut or laminated almonds with poppy seeds or sunflower seeds
  • Cut in half the dragon fruit. Peel and slice only half and reserve the other half. 

*Note* - In the picture you see the dragon fruit on the plate but I actually added it to the bowl and it was so awesome. The mix of flavours is great. Try it! 
Dragon fruit is really low in carbohydrates and low in sugar index so is ok to mix it with other fruits as it will not boost the sugar level and also it will make you really full.

As I am starting the day really slow today I leave you a morning song of an American singer, Beck. 

Hope you enjoy your Sunday as much as you can.

Be grateful for what you have and enjoy every single moment of joy because nothing is granted and unfortunately not everyone can celebrate the Christmas in family or among people they love. We should be grateful for how lucky we are without forgetting that the world is living insane moments of racism, hate, poverty, hunger and wars without sense...Just try to take one minute of today's day and think about 3 things that you are grateful for and think for a while in all the ones that are suffering in the world. Although we can't do a lot, we should never forget them. 

Peace to the world! 

1 comment:

  1. Sim! Vai ser bom estar todos fisicamente juntos. Pois não há skype que substitua este aconchego de volta ao ninho ;)
