23 October 2016

Cauliflower pizza crust

One of the few things that I miss since I went low-carb and gluten free, is to have a nice pizza with a crusty crust.
After few researches in internet and in some recipe books that I bought I found one recipe that works quite well, although I made some changes according my taste and the ingredients that I can find in Oman.

I will not say that is similar or better than the typical pizza crust made of wheat flour, but honestly is pretty good and works perfectly for us and helps to kill the cravings of pizza in a healthy way.

Trust me when I say that is not difficult to do it, however it takes a bit of a time as there are few steps that need to be done with cauliflower.

For us this is a perfect recipe to do on a weekend, in a chilled evening at home where we can spend some time in the kitchen.

  • 1 small to medium head of cauliflower (you should have 3cups after processed)
  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt 
  • 1/2 dried oregano
  • 1/2 dried basil
  • 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder
  • 1/4 cup of shredded parmesan cheese (you can use mozzarella instead, but parmesan has less lactose)
  • 1 egg
Let's do it:
  • Wash the cauliflower and cut the florets, put them in a food processor until it looks like snow. You will need around 3 cups of cauliflower after processed to a medium size pizza
  • Put the cauliflower in a bowl and place it in the microwave for about 4 minutes in high mode
  • Remove it and let it cool down, if not you will burn your hands in the next step
  • After cooling down and when you see that you can touch with your hands on the cauliflower, pour it to a clean tea towel, or if you have a nut milk bag is even better (is what I use), and press it until you remove all the water from the cauliflower. As much water you remove, better it gets. I do it in batches to make sure that I remove most of the water
  • In a bowl mix all the other ingredients 
  • After removing the water from the cauliflower you can add it to the bowl and with your hands mix it well until forming a dough 
  • Tend with your hands the dough into a oiled parchment paper and place it in a baking tray, or if you have a pizza stone you can use it. Be aware that you need to pat it down until nicely homogeneous in the tray, not too thick and not too thin
  • Take it to the oven and bake it for 20 minutes, or until it get's golden brown
  • Remove it from the oven and add the toppings that you want. This part I leave it to you as you know better than anyone how you like your pizza
  • After adding the toppings, place it in the oven for more 10 minutes depending of the toppings that  you add it on
  • Wait for few minutes to cool down and would be ready to eat

I covered my pizza crust with tomato paste and add some peppers, asparagus and chorizo and covered it with a bit of mozzarella.

I know that at the first sight looks a difficult recipe but after you made it the first time, and follow each step you will see that is actually easy, but as I said previously, it takes a bit of time.

In case your cauliflower doesn't give you 3 cups, you can add almond flour to the dough, and if your cauliflower is bigger and gives more than 3 cups, you can add an extra egg white and seasonings but don't add more cheese as it is not necessary.

Quantity: 3 cups of cauliflower gives a medium pizza enough for 2 as the cauliflower makes you feel full
Time of preparation: It took me 1h20 counting with the time that I waited for the cauliflower to cool down. 

I think that a chilled evening deserves some music that helps to go with the flow with happy mood.
When I decide to make recipes as this one, that takes a bit of time, and if I am in the mood to dance and sing, I like to prepare a gin&tonic. And nothing better than to have some cool music while sipping G&T.
For today I leave you an Australian band that might be one of my favourite bands nowadays, Cat Empire. They are a mix or rock with jazz and folk...they are just great :)
Is hard for me to choose one album as I like them all and for me they are perfect for everything, to be at home, road trip, reading and partying!
I would be such a happy person if I could see them alive in Australia, as their concerts looks like a entire party.

Hope you enjoy it and please try it even if it looks hard!

Let me know how it went :)

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