13 October 2016

Chocolate mousse

For me the week is about to finish, we are already in October but the weather is still hot in here. The good thing is to have the sea nearby and although I am not so much into sunbathing without doing nothing, I love water sports so I try to do them as much as I can. It makes me feel free, in peace and is like if all the bad thoughts are washed out as I feel the water in my skin and the adrenaline of wind and waves.

Today I bring you one of the most asked desserts in this house, chocolate mousse. And before you think that you shouldn't think of eating desserts, let me tell you that this one is totally guilty free and so easy to do, that makes this dessert perfect for kids and adults.


  • 1 can of coconut cream (organic if possible)
  • 1 avocado (medium size)
  • 1+1/2 tablespoons of dark cocoa powder 
  • 2 tablespoons of raw honey (you can add more if you like it a bit sweeter)
  • mint leafs (optional)
  • walnuts or almonds (optional)

Let's do it:
  • Mix all the above ingredients in a blender and blend it in maximum speed until creamy. Takes about 1 minute or so
  • Pour the mixture in individual bowls and put them in the fridge few hours before serving
  • Serve it with strawberries, raspberries or blueberries and extra mint leafs 

Is easy right??
In case you don't find coconut cream, as sometimes is hard to find, you can place a can of coconut milk in the fridge overnight and you will use the solid part that is separated from the water, or if you prefer the mousse more soft you can use coconut milk instead, honestly is up to you and your personal taste. 

The mint is also my personal touch and is totally optional, as I don't really like pure chocolate I like to add mint or even nuts to the ingredients. This time I only add mint as I didn't had walnuts or almonds. Once again you can try with and without and just see which one you prefer, but mint makes an amazing combination with chocolate.

I am sure that after you taste it, you will be surprised how this dessert is amazing and perfect to have at home for when you have craves or even for a nice dinner. I really love this one as it is free from everything, it only has natural sugar (honey) and I never feel guilty for having them in the fridge ready to eat when I want.
Even if you are a person that doesn't like the taste of coconut, you can try to do this one because the dark chocolate and mint, remove all the coconut flavour.

Time of preparation: Less than 15 minutes
Quantity: It gives 4 to 6 bowls, depending of the size of your bowls. Mines are a bit big so it makes 4, but is enough to 6 small ones.

The forecast for this weekend shows some swell, so hopefully we will have some surf around here. Our weekends are Friday and Saturday, so as you can imagine I am already in weekend mode with surf in my mind.
This mood is asking some surfing songs, and no is not Beach Boys :) For today I prefer The Drums. Hope you enjoy them, they make me want to dance and do crazy moves.

Make this mousse and let me know how it went.

Have a nice rest of the week and enjoy life :)


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