6 October 2016

Hello and welcome to my mindful bliss.
I come from a country where the dinning table or the kitchen are the centre of most of the conversations, where we like to have good food, wine and friends at the table.
This blog was created with the purpose of sharing my cooking passion, helping and guiding people to have what I consider a” healthy eating”, as also sharing my Yoga passion and music addiction. I personally need music to my daily day routine and I love to cook while listening good stuff, makes me sing, dance and food tend to be better if I am happy.

The recipes that you will find here are based in a low carb and high fat lifestyle, free from gluten, grains, refined sugars and most of them are also lactose free. 
I am a foodie so this is a blog where I can share all my cooking adventures and all the new flavours that I have been discovering since I embrace this type of diet.
I hope you like it and give me the feedback of how it went :) 

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