27 October 2016

Yoga as a lifestyle

Beside cooking healthy recipes, Yoga is also one of my biggest passions and is impossible for me to not write about Yoga and the benefits that Yoga has for everyone. So today I decided to make a post only about Yoga because I watched a really interesting film about the science behind yoga and I though that would be nice to share it.

Is unbelievable how while doing Yoga in a regular basis leads you to better food habits and lifestyle change.
I believe that Asanas and breathing makes us so aware of everything that we are able to understand what is toxic for us. Is just like if the body tells you that some things are not good, and I am not speaking only about food, but also people, relationships, or even habits.

Sometimes I wonder why it took me so long time until finally embrace Yoga as my lifestyle and "sport" if I can say so.

What was a closed door, suddenly became a open window and is like everything in life. If we rush it we don't enjoy the process and in Yoga there's no end, there's no limit, there's no goal. Yoga is about yourselves, is about our awareness towards the inside.

I find peace and I find home while doing yoga, I find my inner me and my strength in my mat. As someone said "my mat is my home".

Yoga is not only about beautiful poses, or about amazing shaped bodies under instagram pictures with nice landscapes behind. If it was only about that, the gymnastics and the ballet dancers would be the best yoginis in the world.

Yoga is something else. Yoga is about me, you, all of us. Is about the mental process that we go through, calming the breath, slowing down the rhythm and suddenly we became much more sensible to others, to the world, sensible towards ourselves. We just become aware.

I never thought how meditation and a daily day Asana practice could affect me so much and influence how I live my life and my day. I confess that sometimes ideas of recipes cross my head while meditating :)

I didn't became spiritual in terms of religion, I became spiritual towards me. I learn every single day to respect and listen my body and mind, and instead of ignoring all the symptoms when I feel agitated and anxious, I just embrace my feelings because they exist and I allow myself to feel them and the Yoga practice makes this process so much easier...we learn to accept, to let it go, no matter what is it. Even if is a shoulder injury, you learn to accept it...more or less...I am still in that process!

I know that Yoga is not medicine but works as hell as a nice therapeutic and I really believe that we could live in a better world if Yoga would became a philosophy taught in schools.

Yoga makes us better persons while discovering ourselves.

Please watch this video from UPLIFT. Is a video about the Science behind Yoga.



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