7 October 2016

Coconut Pancakes

This blog exists because I believe that somehow I can make the difference and guide people to embrace what I believe is a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating.  How many of us stop to think in what we are eating? Where it comes from, how it was produced and in the people that were working in all the production and delivery process. Although this seems very philosophical somehow I consider these type of thoughts important as they make us mindful of what we have.
We should support sustainable production and small farmers when we can. I know that is not easy because not everything comes from small farmers and because sustainable and organic produces are expensive, I know that! 
But if you think on the other way around…is not the organic and sustainable produces that are expensive, but instead the processed stuff, made in big factories that are too cheap.

We just need to keep in mind the importance of eating real food, without additives and preservatives, and leave the processed stuff behind. When you do this you will see how your body and brain will react. 

To make it easier to follow my future recipes I let you know what I usually have all the time at home in the cupboard:
  • coconut flour
  • almond flour
  • baking soda and baking powder 
  • vanilla extract
  • coconut oil (I just love it)
  • coconut milk and cream 
  • nuts (almonds, cashews, pecans)
  • seeds (pumpkins, sunflower, poppy, sesame)
  • stevia (organic)
  • honey (organic)
  • dates
  • dark chocolate (85% to 99%)

Yesterday while chatting with a friend about pancakes, crossed my mind the idea of having pancakes for today's breakfast. Is weekend in here as our weekends are Friday and Saturday.
I never really liked pancakes because of the milk, as I don't deal well with milk I really never had them, and plus we all have that idea that pancakes make us fat...which is true if they are made with the wrong ingredients.
When you decide to have a LCHF (low carb hight fat) diet, you realise that fat is good, good fats are awesome but off course that you will have to stop consume carbohydrates for your body start using the good fats as fuel, instead of the carbohydrates.

I do these pancakes only on the weekend, because is a hassle to do pancakes during the week if you are not on holidays and also making them on the weekend makes the breakfast a bit different, more pleasant as if you are giving a treat to yourself and to your family. We should make the effort to make the weekends different from weekdays, make them somehow special, and food can be one of these nice things. We can use the weekends to prepare different and better meals, to make a more elaborated breakfast, lunch or dinner.

For the pancakes:
  • 3 eggs yolk
  • 6 eggs white
  • 1/2 cup of coconut flour 
  • 1/2 cup of almond flour
  • 1/2 tsp of Xanthan gum (Xanthan Gum is a plant-based thickening and stabilizing agent. It is named for the bacteria, Xanthomonas campestris - I use this one http://www.bobsredmill.com/xanthan-gum.html)
  • 1tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence (0% alcohol)
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 3/4 cup coconut milk 
  • coconut oil fro frying 
For the compote:
  • 300gr of frozen or fresh strawberries (as you will cook them is ok to use frozen ones but I prefer all the time to use fresh ones)
  • 3 tbsp of stevia
  • full fat cream cheese (optional for the ones that can and like) 
Let's do it 

  1. Cut the strawberries to a small saucepan on low heat and add stevia for helping them to release their juices and make them a bit sweeter. If you are using amazing sweet strawberries you can just warm them up with a bit of lemon juice and they will release their natural sugar. Simmer them slowly, for about 5 to 10 minutes or until they get softened. Remove from the heat and allow them to cool.
  2. Whisk all the 6 egg whites to the stiff peak stage
  3. Place all the ingredients for the pancakes, except the egg whites, in a bowl and mix them well. Now gently fold in the egg whites
  4. Get a pan in medium heat and add in the coconut oil (use if possible organic pure virgin coconut oil)
  5. As soon the oil is melted and warm, drop the pancake mixture, one spoon at a time. One tablespoon makes 1 pancake. Once you see that the bottom is medium cooked is time to flip them over with a spatula. Each side gets a light golden brown colour.
  6. In a plate put 4 pancakes on the top of each other and spread the strawberry compote and add some extra berries. In case you are using also cream-cheese you can drop cream cheese on the top of the pancakes and cover it with strawberries compote and it will taste a bit like cheesecake :) 

I advise you to eat them while still hot...they are lovely and because they are made with good fats you will see that you will be fully satisfied with few small pancakes. 

Because we love good rock&roll we decided to eat them while listening a young Australian band called Hockey Dad...they are good.

Enjoy and have fun :)

Time of preparation: approximately 30 minutes
Quantity: about 18-20 small pancakes, depending on the size of spoon that you are using, I use a soup spoon. Each person eats around 4 to 6 pancakes as they should be small. Note that they really make you full. I usually eat 4.

If you are addicted to music as me, please pick a nice soundtrack to be in the kitchen. As I made them early morning I chose the album Grace of Jeff Buckley to make me sing while preparing them. 


  1. Queria experimentar esta receita, mas sem coco , podes dar-me alguma alternativa?

    1. Eu apesar de gostar de coco, não acho que as panquecas fiquem a saber a coco, mas podes sempre usar 1cup the farinha de amendoa e assim não tens de adicionar farinha de coco. Em alternativa ao leite e coco, podes usar leite de amendoa (que eu recomendo), ou leite de aveia ou arroz (apesar de não usar estes ultimos dois). Para fritar é que será dificil alternativa, mas podes sempre tentar manteiga ou ghee, azeite deixará um sabor muito forte nas panquecas por isso não acho boa alternativa.
      Diz-me depois como correu.

  2. A reader asked me alternatives for someone that doesn't like coconut, so I would suggest to use 1cup of almond flour and in this way there is no need of coconut flour. Instead of coconut milk I advise almond milk. The hard/tricky thing is to replace the coconut oil to fry them, and although I never tried, butter or ghee can work well as a replacement of the coconut oil.
