16 October 2016

Power juice

Every day I try to start the day with meditation and I still find it hard. Is funny how we spend hours reading, learning, studying, remembering, everyday thinking and when we have to stop and let it go, we just can't.

Meditation is for me the art or skill of emptying the brain of all the thoughts that are crossing around and find inner peace and awareness of myself, just by simply let go and let the thoughts flow without get stuck to them.

If you think that is easy, I challenge you to try it. Try to seat in peace and for 5 or 10 minutes, try to focus in your breath and empty the brain of everything, allowing your thoughts to flow without thinking about them. You will see the amount of unnecessary thoughts that will cross your mind.

Moving on, I started the day with my meditation followed by 1 hour of Vinyasa flow with funny transitions, just what my body and mind was asking for, and after this weekend I just felt that my body was asking for good vitamins, so nothing better to drink a fresh juice after my yoga.

Although I avoid all the vegetables and fruits that are high in carbohydrates, is important to listen what our body needs and usually after few days in the sea under the sun, I feel all the time that I need Vitamine C and something to boost my stamina and beetroot is definitely the best one.

In order to satisfy my body needs, I decided to make an orange, beetroot and ginger juice, as it is packed of Vitamin C and anti-inflammatory properties and it's yummy :)

  • 1 medium beetroot
  • 2 oranges navel
  • 1 piece of ginger. I used a piece with the size of my thumb
  • 3 cups of water
Let's do it:
  • Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend them in maximum speed for about 1 minute.
  • Pour it into a glass and keep the rest in a glass bottle in the fridge for 24h maximum

As a personal taste I prefer to use the entire oranges as I want to use as much as I can from the fruit, but in case you don't like the orange pulp, just prepare the orange juice on the side and add it to the beetroot and ginger.

Time of preparation: Less than 10 minutes

As the week is just starting for me I decided to post something relaxing and easy going that was part of my Yoga soundtrack for today.

Be present and happy for where you are now in this moment. Remember you are exactly where you need to be :)


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