20 November 2016

Omelette with smoked trout

I love to change my breakfasts but because of my morning yoga practice during the week I try to avoid eggs for breakfast and I eat instead a smoothie, muffin or low carb bread. However I like to have them on the weekends...yummy breakfast!
This breakfast was created by my boyfriend as he has eggs for breakfast most everyday and I am a bit of a zero preparing omeletes.
I learned how to do them with him, but let us be honest, if he does them so well, why should I bother to prepare them? :)

This recipe aims to appeal to your creativity for breakfast. 

We tend to be stuck to that typical continental breakfast of milk or yogurt with muesli or bread, and beside the fact that high carb meals are not good for us, we start to crave food after two hours of having breakfast.

As Tim Noakes explains in his first book, "Every gram of carbohydrate that we consume must be burnt immediately, as a fuel, or it will be stored in the body, either as fat or glycogen. The problem is that, because of our genetic makeup, all humans have a different degree of insulin resistance. And the more sever the insulin resistance, the more difficulty the body has in processing carbohydrates. As a result, high carbohydrates diets lead to increase of insulin resistance that will inevitably lead to the metabolic syndrome, obesity and diabetes". http://realmealrevolution.com

When we start to have a full and complete meal for breakfast with good fats our metabolism doesn't need so much food as slowly we stop craving food.

  • 3 eggs
  • 1/4 of sliced spring onions
  • 100 gr of Smoked trout 
  • 2 cups of raw baby spinach 
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Cappers 
  • Nuts
  • Grass fed butter or ghee
Let's do it:
  • In a frying pan put some butter or ghee and stir the spring onions 
  • In a bowl whisk the eggs and when the spring onions look browned pour the eggs to prepare the omelete
  • When you turn the omelete spread the baby spinach on the top while the bottom is cooking
  • Transfer the omelete to a plate and serve it with smoked trout and nuts
  • Season with black pepper and spread some cappers on the top of the trout 
This is just an idea of a really nutritive breakfast that will help you to make through all morning until lunch without cravings.
We really like smoked trout, we actually prefer it to smoked salmon and you can easily find it in Oman, which is awesome considering that sometimes we struggle hard to find few things.

Time of preparation: 10 minutes maximum 
Quantity: The list of ingredients serves 1 person

For today I chose an amazing band from Norway, Kings of Convenience, and they are in my top list of bands. 
I watched once their concert and I remember that it was pouring rain on that day, but was totally worth it :) 
And this song has a mix of amazing singers, Kings of Convenience with Feist...perfect combination. This videoclip was in a concert in the famous Bataclan....long live the music. 
I hope you love it as much as I do.

Find peace in yourself and you will no need to make any wars. Love yourself but never forget the value of others in your path. 

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