10 November 2016

Salad with salmon in coconut oil

Lately few people asked me to teach them how to prepare salads and I found it funny because in my head salad is that easy thing of chopping everything that you want to a bowl, but is a fact that if you don't have imagination or time salads can be boring. That green salad with the typical lettuce and tomato is pretty boring.

For me salad has to be colourful. I have the idea that if the salad has different colours it means that also has different nutrients and vitamins, which is good.

Something that I also learn when I started this diet is that you need to had good fat to the vegetables if you want your body to absorb the vitamins if not, nothing stays there. Comes in and comes out.
And before I had all the time my salad without any dressing and nowadays I try to invent different dressings to salads or use the typical one of olive oil and balsamic vinegar, that works perfectly.

Today I leave you a salad with oven-fried salmon in coconut oil.

For the salad I used:

  • Cherry tomatoes 
  • Yellow pepper
  • Orange pepper
  • Cucumber 
  • Red cabbage 
  • Pomegranate 
  • Mint leaves 
  • Sesame seeds
Chop all the ingredients and mix them in a bowl. 

For the dressing I used:
  • 2 Tbsp of olive oil 
  • 1 Tbsp of balsamic vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp of balsamic raspberry vinegar

For the salmon you need some salmon fillets with skin

  • Pre-heat the oven to 150 C.
  • Meanwhile in a fry pan pour 4 Tbsp of coconut oil (or olive oil) and turn the heat on. 
  • Season the Salmon fillets with black pepper and thyme. 
  • When the oil gets a bit hot put the salmon fillets and fry them for 3 minutes each side. 
  • After frying both sides, pout the frying pan inside of the oven already at 150 C and let the salmon be there for 7 minutes. 
It looks a exact science of time but it works fine as the salmon gets a nice crust outside and perfectly cooked inside without getting dry.

Time of preparation: The salad took me about 10 minutes to prepare and the salmon took me 13 minutes :) 

For today I leave you some Rock&Roll because in few hours will be weekend in here.
The Kinks is a British band from the 60's. These were golden years in terms of Punk Rock, Rock and Blues.
So many bands that I like from these times.
I still find nice music nowadays but sometimes I feel that nothing gets better than the 60'6, 70s and 90's. Don't get me wrong I still like to discover new bands and is amazing how so many new bands, especially Indie music, are popping out in some countries but in terms of good rock&roll I still go back to the past.

Enjoy the rest of the week and weekend! Have good fun!
In here there is some good forecast for kitesurf and surf :) Happy days!!! 

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