29 November 2016

Cloud bread

So I decided to give a go in this "famous" bread that is invading Pinterest and cooking blogs...the cloud bread.
First of all this bread contains lactose as it takes cream cheese. I am trying to find something to replace this cream cheese but it will take me a while I guess, although I am sure that I will be able to replace it...I hope :)

I have to say that since I am in low carb high fat diet, bread has been the biggest challenge and I had almost given up because all my breads or are too dry or too moisture and sweet because of the flours. Basically most of my bread trials were not really amazing...hahaha!!
However I have to say that this cloud bread made me to get courage again as it turned out pretty well.


  • 3 large eggs at room temperature (separated) 
  • 3 Tbsp of cream cheese
  • 1/2 baking powder 

Let's do it:
  • Preheat the oven to 200 C. Line a baking tray with parchment paper
  • Separate the eggs yolks from the whites
  • In one bowl mix the egg yolks with the cream cheese until it gets smooth
  • On another bowl whisk the whites with the baking powder until you reach the white pick (basically you have to whisk them until the whites become fluffy and if you turn the bowl upside down they will not fall)
  • Fold the egg yolk mixture into the whites. Mix them really carefully because you just want to envolve both mixtures without removing the stiffness of the whites.
  • With a ice cream scoop or with a sauce spoon, pour the mixture in the tray in small batches separated each one more or less 3 to 4 cm
  • Take them to the oven for 25 minutes or until browned
*Note*- you can add salt, black pepper, oregano, rosemary, garlic, thyme, etc to the mixture. You can play a bit with the mixture adding something to create flavour as the bread is a bit flavourless :)

We had the bread for dinner with guacamole and some raw veggies and grilled halloumi. 
And people may ask how can I eat it if I am lactose intolerant, right? First my lactose intolerance improved a lot since I started to be under this diet but if I want to eat something with lactose I tend to take lactase probiotics before meals to help me digest the food. However I discovered based in experiences, that some things causes me bigger reactions than others. 

I came across with Paul Kelly through my boyfriend and I got in loved by his music. 
Paul Kelly is an Australian songwriter and singer, he plays the guitar and harmonica...it's so lovely. 
The music that I am posting today is related with Australian history, although I am not able to explain it but I like the song and the melody is so sweet. 
This video clip is a tribute to Paul Kelly from different Australian bands that got together. 

"From little things, big thing grow"

Is so true :) 

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