22 November 2016

Prawns in butter with kale&broccolini

For dinners I opt to make them as much vegetarian and light as possible, especially during the week. However is nice to have an improved dinner once in a while.

For today I leave you a light option with prawns and super veggies as kale.
Kale is nothing more than a green leaf cabbage but is considered the top of the superfoods as it has a nutritional powerhouse packed with antioxidants such as vitamin C, beta-carotene and so on...One thing I have to tell you...kale cooked in olive oil and garlic is super yummy :) is a bit Portuguese style I have to say!
Broccolini is a natural hybrid from broccoli that has smaller florets and longer and thinner stalks which makes them perfect for stir frying in olive oil and is really rich in vitamin C, E and A, as also iron and potassium.

Sometimes you might look to my recipes and think...oh I don't need a blog to do this, and you are right, sometimes my recipes are straight forward and if I have the capacity of "inventing" them, so do you.
However I think  that sometimes with the rush of the day we don't have time to have ideas and we end up doing all the time the same things. For this reason some of my recipes are only ideas of healthy meals with good fats and no carbs.

In Oman I tend to buy all my fish in Al Meera, although Muscat is faced to the sea, some supermarkets are able to sell really bad fish. I don't know why!

When is the prawn season, this supermarket has these massive prawns that in Portugal it would cost a fortune and in here, even if they are not super cheap they are quite affordable.

I like these big, fat prawns, full of meat :)


  • Prawns (already pealed)
  • 8 garlic cloves
  • Bunch of kale 
  • Broccolini 
  • Butter (grass fed) or ghee
  • Olive oil
  • Salt 
  • Chilli (optional)
Let's do it:
  • In a frying pan put the butter and 4 garlic cloves sliced and a small chilli 
  • When the butter is already melted add the prawns and a pinch of salt. Fry them and in low heat.
  • Turn the prawns several times, while they are cooking to make sure that they cook both sides. 
  • They are ready when they get a bit harder and browned on each side. Depending of the prawns, it can take until 10 minutes. 
  • In another large frying pan pour the olive oil and the other 4 garlic cloves also sliced. When the olive oil starts to be slightly hot pour the broccolini first and then the kale (already trimmed) and spread a pinch of salt on the top.
  • While stir frying you have to mix the kale quite often until it gets tender. You don't want the kale and broccolini overcooked, you want them crispy. It takes around 5 minutes to cook them. 
Time of preparation: It takes around 10 to 15 minutes to prepare everything
Quantity: I bought 12 prawns and was enough for 2 people

This is a recipe matches perfectly with a easy going, chilled dinner and I leave you the perfect soundtrack for that :) 
Diana Krall doesn't need introduction I believe. In this video she makes a nice cover from "Fly me to the moon" of Frank Sinatra. 
I watched her concert in Muscat in the Royal Opera House and was an amazing concert I have to say. 

Enjoy the dinner and I totally advice you to open a nice bottle of red wine and enjoy the time alone or with someone else, but just enjoy the time that has been given to you :) 

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